Sunday, January 24, 2010

Poem of the Week #108

I Like Salad

I like mine
with spinach

and arugula.
I like it dark

and spicy.
I chop fresh dill

some onion
some red pepper

I cut my carrot
into rounds

not shreds. I want
lots of olives

and hearts, of course:
artichoke, and those

of palm. Nuts, good.
Pomegranate, good.

Dried cranberries. Yes.
And feta. Best to have sweet

with salty. I dress
well, just before dinner;

eat by a window
from a wooden bowl.

When done, I use
a crust of bread

for sopping up,
or better yet,

I raise the bowl
and down the vinegar

and oil; lip-smacking good
to the last, sharp drop.

Lisa Vihos

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